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Jumpsport knows that parents have cheaper options. With over ten years of experience in this industry and many innovations and patents that have improved use, we also have seen the high failure rate from these manufacturers. When buying a trampoline, make sure that:
- Patented safety features – a commitment to patenting an idea shows how committed a company is to safety.
- Quality materials – manufacturers often cut corners on the thickness of safety nets and steel to save money.
- Performance indicators – look for a high count of long, wide-barrel springs and enough mat space to move around freely.
- Long warranties – a trampoline shouldn’t fall apart within the first year of use.
- Strong customer reviews – look for reviews that talk about how long their trampolines and nets have lasted.
- Professional Installation – Installation is available on all AlleyOOP units. Please see our installation page to see if this is available in your area.
Trampolines - Trampoline Accessories